Thursday, September 6, 2012

Sharky Sharky

It's funny, I saw a lot of my peers doing rad Shark Week tattoos and thought to myself that that would be such a fun promo to run. Procrastination about publicizing my desire however, won out again. Or so I thought. Got to do this fun little guy on Carlos right at the end of the week. His son is autistic and loves Great Whites. So much fun to do. It was also Carlos's first tattoo and he went big, pretty much his whole upper arm. Guy sat like a rock. Thanks Carlos, and thanks ya'll for checking out the blog.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Hemlock collective Grand Opening was Awesome

Thank you to everyone who came out to support us and have a good time. We had a way larger turnout than even I expected. It was a great way to celebrate all of us being settled in and doing some exceptional artwork. And thanks to Corey Bernhardt for putting up with the excited crowd while tattooing all day. The man's such a beast, he doesn't even take the day off for his own grand opening. I really am thrilled with the superb group of talent that we have here and all the love from our supportive families, friends and clients. Thanks for checking out the page and remember to visit the website to get in touch with us to schedule an appointment. 

New Stuff

Here are some of the pieces I've been working on lately.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

All Settled In

Photo: Damn straight. Good day today! guys, thanks for following. So we're all up and running full steam at Hemlock Collective. We recently went through the anxious maze of steps to get registered individually and for the shop itself for the new registration and regulations pertaining to the new AB 300 Safe Body Art Act. Huge sigh of relief to know that we are operating above and beyond what was expected from the county. It's amazing how we are usually the ones looked at as intimidating or scary, but nothing is scarier to us than a woman from the county with a clipboard. All in all, a good positive experience. It's also nice that we are all so much busier than we thought we'd be with the transition to a fully functioning custom appointment only shop. I can't thank all my wonderful supportive clients enough, or our amazing partners who put up with the bullshit from us so that we can do what we love. Thanks again guys, and don't forget to check out the shop website at

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I'm totally gonna blog all over your face!

  Well here it goes, this is my very first blog. Figure I'll start off by introducing myself and letting you all know why I've decided to start a blog.
  My name is Josh Green and I am a tattoo artist in Sacramento California. I started tattooing in 1998 after a formal apprenticeship in Phoenix Arizona while I was in college. without boring you all to death, I'll give you the Readers Digest version of my timeline from then til now. Tattooed in Phoenix for almost 2 years, Graduated, moved back to California and put tattooing on hold to focus on work in my field of study, got fed up with my field and life here in the states, moved to New Zealand and started tattooing again for about a year. After missing my family and the novelty of being an illegal immigrant wore off, I moved back to California and continued to Tattoo. I bounced around from shop to shop in and around Sacramento as well as the occasional guest appearance throughout the US. In January of 2008 I started working at Side Show Studios in the Land Park area of Sacramento and have worked there since. It is at Side Show that i started and built some of my strongest friendships with my co-workers and and other artists around the country. The crew at Side Show over the years has propelled me to want to be more than just a proficient tattooist and develop an individual style to set myself apart. It is also at Side Show that I met my good friend Matt Marsango. A little over a year ago, after hearing about the possible idea of Side Show dissolving, Matt and I opened an appointment only Studio where we would focus on custom tattooing and fostering an environment of creative development free of the sometimes frustrating walk in clientele. We wanted our clientele to want a tattoo from us because they like our individual style and not just to get tattooed by someone who was proficient enough. I have continued working at Side Show Studios as well and have not regretted a minute of it. That being said I will be working exclusively at Hemlock Collective starting in mid-July. I wish my comrades at Side Show Studios the best of luck and thank them from the bottom of my heart for their support and friendship and look forward to their new location a couple blocks from my own. It will be nice to start a new chapter in my life and still have great friends near by.
  Thanks for checking out the blog and stop by from time to time to see what's going on and of course hit me up if you are looking to get tattooed by me.