Sunday, July 29, 2012

All Settled In

Photo: Damn straight. Good day today! guys, thanks for following. So we're all up and running full steam at Hemlock Collective. We recently went through the anxious maze of steps to get registered individually and for the shop itself for the new registration and regulations pertaining to the new AB 300 Safe Body Art Act. Huge sigh of relief to know that we are operating above and beyond what was expected from the county. It's amazing how we are usually the ones looked at as intimidating or scary, but nothing is scarier to us than a woman from the county with a clipboard. All in all, a good positive experience. It's also nice that we are all so much busier than we thought we'd be with the transition to a fully functioning custom appointment only shop. I can't thank all my wonderful supportive clients enough, or our amazing partners who put up with the bullshit from us so that we can do what we love. Thanks again guys, and don't forget to check out the shop website at